Why is the world changing?

Published on 30 September 2024 at 22:47

Why is the world spinning out of control?

Do you ever feel like the world is loosing its touch? Nature is slowly dying before us? Birds are dying because of the tall landscapers being built by humans?  Animals are dying because people are becoming to materialistic to understand there importance in this world. Something as simple as killing a bee and not thinking twice, stamping on a spider because it got in your way or entered YOUR house?  Have you ever stopped to think these insects are all part of the life that was created by god. How would you feel if you was walking around the street and people were feeling scare of you, they would jump out the way or try and shoo you or even try and stamp on you because you was simply living as you was made to live? Not nice is it so why do we go around doing it to simple insects without thinking twice. And then having no regret for doing it? My daughter has taught me so much at just the age of 5 she has become so involved in nature , Insects snails slugs worms, she goes around collecting them from the garden and has made them a little home in the garden where she will feed them my tomatoes. A  5  year old knows the importance of insects without being taught - Where do they get this teaching from? God has imbedded in in them from birth - yet us adults and humans teach them to fear them and kill them and throw them out our houses. Maybe we should learn from these children the ways of life !! How to become free souls.......

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