How have we become so lost?

Published on 30 September 2024 at 22:40

Are you also feeling as lost as I am in this world? Do you feel as if you are on a never ending roller coaster?

I went for a walk the other day- I tend to do this a lot these days, and during my walk I went past so many people , none of who even looked at me or smiled or even noticed I was there. 

As I was walking past these people I was looking at them to see where did we all go wrong- not a single hello , Hi , Smile? They have either their headphones in there ears, or looking at there phones or just not making any eye contact . Such a shame that we have become that way- so isolated and stuck in ourselves that we cannot see others around us. We are all living this life as if it is only us on the planet and only 'I' have to achieve and do what 'I' must to make myself get to where 'I' need to?

Even relationships be that of a mother and child, husband and wife, friends, cousins, wider family, seems to be slowly disappearing as people are living this new phase of ' putting myself first' . Yet what people are failing to understand is that this new so called selfishness is just going to send the world into more mental health , more isolation and more problems for both us and our future generations should there be any. 


How have we become such selfish souls? 

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